32-40 Tontine Street, Folkestone CT20 1JU Email folkestoneandhythe@reformuk.com

Firstly, a big thank you for taking the time to visit this web-site. My name is Bill Wright and I am the Reform UK parliamentary candidate for the Folkestone and Hythe constituency. This site is to summarise my values and principles, explain how they map onto the core Reform UK policies and ask for your vote and support.

I am a father of four and apart from two years in Norway and one year in Qatar, I have lived and worked in the UK all my life. Since 1982 I worked in various jobs non-stop for 41 years. My current job is as a part-time Ambulance Care Assistant with the Red Cross.

For further insight into my background and political journey please watch the video.

If the urgent need for reform and political change resonates at all with you, please do get in touch. We would be delighted to include your email address to receive regular updates from us:

Core principles and Reform UK policies

There are six basic principles that define who I am and what I believe in. For elaboration, please click on each.

Like a sizable majority in 2019, including so many northern Labour voters, I voted for Boris Johnson's Conservatives (especially as Nigel Farage had stood down so many Brexit Party candidates).

But no longer. Now I see no discernible difference between Conservative and Labour. Both are tax-and-spend advocates with authoritarian undertones: we know what is best for you. Do as you are told.

I am convinced that only Reform UK offer a credible alternative vision based on personal freedoms, lower taxes, controlled immigration and getting more people back into work.

On weekday mornings when I am not working I can often be found in the Folkestone Wetherspoons (where the coffee is £1.56 and refillable) and I would be delighted to meet you.

Our Election Contract with the British people
A summary of all the Reform UK policies including costs and benefits. Please click on the image below

Well worth the time for a serious read!

Looking for the main Reform UK web-site?
Just click on the image below

If you are able to support our local campaign that would be amazing. To offer practical help please contact me using the email address at the top and for financial support via Paypal please click the button below.

Would you like to engage and interact via Facebook? Just click on the image below for our local Reform site (Folkestone, Hythe and New Romney)

Reform UK campaign team out in Hythe town centre

Local issues in Folkestone, Hythe & New Romney

Click on the label for further elaboration

Your alternative political choices

Click on each label for my personal analysis
Whichever way you decide to vote, please think very carefully and vote with your conscience to guide you. The future of our island nation is at stake.
Other policy issues
So many do not watch or listen to the BBC, and never use the BBC web-site. Why should we pay tax for something we do not want?
Reform UK: The licence fee needs abolishing. People should be free to choose.
If you can walk to the pub, then you can walk to a polling station. Postal votes only for the infirm and special cases
Reform UK: We must combat fraud and abuse to ensure trust in our democracy.

Longer reads
The Island: exploring the balance between the private and public sector
Click here to review
My political journey with nine prime ministers. A long personal account from Thatcher to Sunak. If you suffer from insommnia this may help!
Click here to review
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